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UnderArmour Campaign

The images to the left represent a presentation a group and I put together for UnderArmour. The purpose of the assignment was to create a way for UnderArmour to gain more market share.  I was responsible for research, copywriting, strategy, the guerilla marketing idea, and I also played an active role as account manager.

Credit Karma Campaign

The images to the left represent a creative campaign booklet for Credit Karma.  The purpose of this assignment was to build a semester-long campaign for EdVenture to compete against 25 other universities. I was the Executive Copywriter; I was on the Research team, and I served as an Event Coordinator. 

Bic Velocity Campaign

The images to the left represent a hard copy of an assignment a group and I put together for Bic Velocity pens. The purpose of the assignment was to create a traditional advertising campaign.  I was responsible for writing the Print Ad, the Radio Ad, the TV script, and contribution to the campaign as a whole.



  Branding Assignment


The image to the left is a glimpse of a website I built in effort to brand myself.  The purpose of the assignment was to brand oneself.  The assignment as a whole demonstrates both my written and creative ability.  So go ahead, push the little red button.


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